On February 25th three Belgian friends – a boatbuilder, an adventurer and an engineer – departed from Portimao (Portugal) to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Miami, US by man power, in a row boat. Our great adventure will take us approximately 3 months and the boat will be our home during that long time. A Tiny house on a big ocean! However, the boat will be more than our home and means of transport, it will primarily become a “research pod” for several experiments.
Follow the Front Row on Instagram @whaleboat_boatbuilding or #jointhefrontrow,
and on Facebook.
***Skipper`s Update***
The initial leg of our mainland to mainland row, from Portugal to the Canary Islands, proved to be exceedingly tough.
Jelle’s persistent seasickness became so extreme that we decided to make land in Tenerife in the interests of safety.
We arrived late yesterday afternoon in Marina Puerto Chico. A huge thank you must go to Fernando and the rest of the guys there that helped us in.
Jelle will not be continuing this row, and, after considerable thought, we are deciding not to continue this journey. The team has a long history together, and each member brings specific qualities. Taking one member from the composition results in an incomplete crew. Additionally, due to exceptional delays, and changes in the climate, we are running too close to the hurricane season.
You only need to glance at Jelle’s adventure CV to understand that he is an exceptionally tough individual, with extreme endurance ability and mental fortitude far greater than the average man… but seasickness is indiscriminate, and can be an exceptionally dangerous problem if ignored.
The O28 Whaleboat has arrived in Tenerife in perfect condition, all systems worked as intended and it dealt with the extreme conditions with ease. This is something that we are very proud of.
Whilst it is of course disappointing to be finishing the row early, our team is now stronger in friendship than ever before.
It is time to get some rest, to recuperate and gather our thoughts, but we’ll update you all with a report on what worked well and what can be improved, in order to support future ocean rowing expeditions, helping to move the ocean rowing community forward.
To all of our amazing supporters and sponsors… Thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your compassion. Thank you for everything.
Read about the ocean crossing on www.jointhefrontrow.be
Main partner: @Libecohome
Creative geniuses: Yanina and Felix from @andre_and_leon at www.andreleon.be
#whaleboat #jointhefrontrow #boatbuildingisanart #atlantic #ocean #atlanticocean #oceanrowing
De Jan Martens heeft gisteren het ruime sop gekozen! Een tijdje geleden besloten we, als IGEPA, de droom van 3 avonturiers te ondersteunen.
Doel : 7000km roeien. Van Portugal naar Miami.
Zoals bij zoveel uitdagingen loerde ook hier Murphy om de hoek. Terwijl we in België genoten van de eerste lentezon en bijhorende ijsjes werd Portugal geteisterd door een zware weersdepressie wat de start een weekje uitstelde.
Gisteren was het dan eindelijk zover. De Jan Martens met zijn bemanning werd te water gelaten.
Ook bij de Belgische pers ging dit niet onopgemerkt voorbij. Gisteren werd er zowel op VTM als VRT ruime aandacht besteed aan de start alsook aan het grotere avontuur dat Jelle Veyt aangaat. De hoogste berg van elk continent beklimmen en van berg naar berg te reizen door enkel menselijke energie te gebruiken.
Op onderstaande links kan u het nieuws bekijken waarbij het IGEPA logo regelmatig mooi in beeld komt. (wel een profiel aanmaken indien u er nog geen heeft)
https://www.vrt.be/.../het-journaal-het-journaal-laat.../ Vanaf minuut 13.40.
https://vtm.be/.../e21034aed-26aa-428e-9908-dfa29ac69463 Vanaf minuut 50.25.
Op https://whaleboat.be/frontrow/ kan u live tracken waar de boot zich bevindt.
Succes Jelle, Koen en Gijs!
#whaleboat #jointhefrontrow #igepabelux #adventure #livetracking #janmartens #goodluck
Three guys; Koen, Jelle and Gijs, heading out from Portimao this morning on their great mission to row across the Atlantic to Florida.
“A tiny boat in a big ocean!”
Safe passage to you 👋
No matter how much you’ve prepared, no matter how exciting the expedition – it’s always hard to say goodbye. 😥
Goodbye to your loved ones, goodbye to your home, goodbye to your workshop, goodbye to Belgium! 👋🇧🇪
And just as we were managing to do a first class job of holding back the tears – Yurith comes along with his trumpet and starts playing ‘The Sailors Salute’! 🎺😭
Now Koen and Gijs will begin their mammoth road trip, as they make their way out of Belgium, across France, across Spain, into Portugal and then right down to Potimão on the southern tip of the country. 🇵🇹
Here they will make their final preparations for what will be a truly phenomenal ocean rowing expedition! 🌊🚣♂️
Swipe the images to see the emotional leaving party 🥺
Read about the ocean crossing on www.jointhefrontrow.be
andreleon www.andreleon.be creative studio
#oceanrowing #whaleboat #atlantic #ocean #mainlandtomainland #goodbye #bye #tears #sailorssalute #jointhefrontrow #whaleboatO28
One of the many behind-the-scenes jobs for a project this size: preparing food packages for each rower, in 24H rations. Days of work, now completed!
Thanks to our partners to fuel our adventure, @weareelements.eu with the freeze dried meals, and @4gold.official with specialised sports nutrition.
(Not sure what happened to the video, some drunk seems to be at the helm, but you get the feel of the pile of packages.)
andreleon www.andreleon.be creative studio
Read about the ocean crossing on www.jointhefrontrow.be
#foodgloriousfood #foodstagram #food #foodpic #foodprep #foodcoma #foodpost #jointhefrontrow #Libeco #frontrow #whaleboatO28 #whaleboatboatbuilding #boatbuildingisanart #oceanrowboat #roeiboot #roeien #rowing #ocean #oceancrossing #oceanrowing #belgium #fromportugaltomiami #adventure #koendegezelle #jelleveyt #gijsvandenbogaerde #atlanticocean #2021 #andreandleon
Main partner @Libecohome
I`ve made it to Portimao! Another episode of the Secutec Seven Summits is finished ✅
It was an eventful day where Jos accompanied me, then 20 km from portimao my crank axle broke, just 1km from his house. Great help by him and the local bike shop lifebikesalgarve ! Thank you very much!
Now it`s time for rest, relax and lots of food. Soon I`ll be rowing the ocean to Miami from here! Keep following for updates!
#secutec7summits #adventure #ocean #portugal🇵🇹 #portimao #cyclinglife #cycling #help #outdoors #7summits #bike #bikelife #jointhefrontrow #mountains #waves #humanpowered #usa #road
3 roeiers... 7016 km... Made in Belgium. Doel: Als eerste de route Portugal-Miami bevaren met een roeiboot - op een duurzame manier - en onderweg ook nog wetenschappelijk onderzoek uitvoeren.
Wie: Koen De Gezelle als bootbouwer en kapitein, avonturier Jelle Veyt en Gijs Vanden Bogaerde als ingenieur hopen volgende week het ruime sop te kiezen en binnen 70-90 dagen aan te meren in Miami.
Ook Igepa reist mee. De boot werd gebouwd op enkele meters van het Igepa gebouw, onze partner Grafityp stond in voor het wrappen van de boot in de kleuren van de hoofdsponsor Libeco.
Dit gebeurde met een PVC vrije folie bestand tegen de zwaarste weersomstandigheden (zout water, wrijving, onweer en metershoge golven). Voor de navigatie vertrouwen ze op zeekaarten en logboeken, door Igepa gedrukt op Synaps waterbestendig papier.
Wij wensen de drie avonturiers een voorspoedige vaart! Meer info en hun positie kunnen jullie in de volgende weken volgen via whaleboat.be.
#grafityp #igepabelux #igepa #jointhefrontrow #whaleboatO28 #madeinbelgium #belgium #adventure #koendegezelle #jelleveyt #gijsvandenbogaerde #agfa #duurzaamheid #zerowaste #pvcvrij #aalter
Front Row on the front page
We made it to the front page! Very happy to put ocean rowing in the picture, a positive note in between the daily numbers. Press coverage has been great so far, as we`re getting closer to the start!
--- Read about the ocean crossing on www.jointhefrontrow.be ---
#frontpage #positivenews #news #gentenaar #9000 #negenduust #gent #instagent #jointhefrontrow #Libeco #frontrow #whaleboatO28 #whaleboatboatbuilding #roeiboot #roeien #rowing #ocean #oceancrossing #oceanrowing #belgium #fromportugaltomiami #adventure #koendegezelle #jelleveyt #gijsvandenbogaerde #atlanticocean #2021 #andreandleon
Meet Fritz Buyl, the Front Row weather router. In summer, Fritz eats a few weather charts for breakfast, heads to his daily job at the Oceanographic Meteorologic Station where he forecasts the weather, then goes on to send weather updates to professional competitors at sea, and before he goes to bed, he studies the latest Heavy weather sailing edition. In winter you can find him in Union Glacier Antarctica where he provides all forecasts for South Pole missions and adventurers alike.
His daily briefings will guide us across the ocean following the optimal route. Based on weather system forecasts he will set the course, so we can benefit from wind and currents, and avoid depressions.
Graphics by @andre_and_leon
#weatherrouting #weatheratsea #weather #weatherforecast #routing #marine #optimalcourse #jointhefrontrow #Libeco #frontrow #whaleboatO28 #whaleboatboatbuilding #roeiboot #roeien #rowing #ocean #oceancrossing #oceanrowing #belgium #fromportugaltomiami #adventure #koendegezelle #jelleveyt #gijsvandenbogaerde #atlanticocean #2021 #andreandleon
B o a t r e v e a l
The foil for the Front Row ocean rowboat was printed and craftily applied by the team at @grafitypselfadhesiveproducts. Special care was taken to protect the film and laminate from the aggressive saltwater of the ocean. Edges are sealed, and protected with reflective film. A huge thank you for this generous offer!
#Grafityp #Grafiprint #Igepa #jointhefrontrow #whaleboatO28 #rowing #ocean #belgium #adventure #koendegezelle #jelleveyt #gijsvandenbogaerde #taubevideo #shift_videoproductions #andreandleon #LibecoHome