The Whaleboat C23 open water adventure rowboat is uniquely designed to keep you safe and dry, even in the most demanding conditions. If you seek adventure at sea or want to explore the great rivers and big lakes of the world, this boat is for you. With 3 rowers, or 2 rowers and an optional sweep on board there’s still plenty of room left for backpacks, safety gear, tent, anchor and much more.
C23 adventure rowboat specifications:
Length: 23 feet/6.9 m, beam: 5.5 feet/1.7 m, weight: 155 lbs/70 kg
Only the best materials are used for the Whaleboat C23: marine grade aluminum, stainless steel bearings, polyurethane wheels and carbon fiber hull and deck.
The carbon/ epoxy/ foam sandwich construction creates the stiffest and lightest boat, weighing only 70 kilo.
Through a vacuum infusion building process the resin to fibre ratio is optimised, and weak spots (air pockets) are eliminated, resulting in a superior end product.
The width of the C23 makes rowing higher seas more relaxed.
The freeboard height is designed to offer better protection against wind and waves.
Six watertight compartments keep the boat floating, even when filled with water to the gunwales.
Boat design without outriggers reduces the risk of injury.
The high, flared bow prevents the boat from nosediving and lifts it up when going over a big wave.
The long midsection is designed to collect white water and keep the balance low and centered.
The midsection is selfdraining to get the water out fast. An optional pump can help get the job done even faster.
One size fits all: only one type of screwdriver needed to rig the whole boat! You don’t have to bring your workshop …
Complete protection while docking: an integrated rubber rail around the boat acts as a fender.
No need to worry when towing your precious boat to the next adventure: the strong stainless steel padeye makes it an easy job, no hustle with ropes around outriggers or other complex constructions.
The stainless steel oar locks are indestructible and fuss-free.
Whether you want to row in your backyard pond, or you want to push through heavy surf, or you want to pack up your tent and camping gear for a long adventure weekend with some friends, all this is possible with the C23.

As the ‘old salts’ used to say: ‘if it looks right, it is right!’
We couldn’t agree more…

The Whaleboat C23 won a Red Dot Design Award.
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We help your adventure plans come true
Whaleboat C23 The world’s best adventure rowboat
Whaleboat C23 on a camping rowing adventure in the Norwegian fjords
Whaleboat C23 on a rowing adventure in Indonesia with Jelle Veyt
Whaleboat C23 on an island hopping rowing adventure in Kornati, Croatia
Tom, Koen`s rock-climbing buddy in the late eighties, and since long living in France running an outdoor activities business, is always in for an adventure. A new adventure started with a question about a year ago "You think Sophie and I can row around Corsica in a C23 by the end of this summer? And we`ll bring the dog too!" Yes, that`s possible! If you both start learning how to row straight away!
By the end of the summer they pushed off from a Corsican beach and started their adventure.
Tom, being a professional mountain guide, understands the importance of communication and back-up, so he asked his mom Lien, an avid, life-long sailor herself, to function as safety officer, following along on land by car.
Rowing around any island, big or small, is a serious business, demanding a profound knowledge of the local currents, rock formations, hazardous winds and specific, unusual weather patterns. Painfully demonstrated by the hurricane that hit Corsica only days before they set off!
Prepared for the worse, they loved every bit of the adventure, and so did mom and the dog!
#whaleboatC23 #rowtripping #adventure #rowing #island #corsica #keeplearning #challenge #med #dogaboard #circumnavigate #safetyfirst
In the picture: the Whaleboat C23 adventure rowboat and O28 ocean rowboat, a perfect pair.
While preparing for your ocean adventure, the C23 is a great choice for training and getting your sea legs It’s a fully seaworthy boat, easily transportable, less dependent on wind directions than an ocean rowing boat and can take 1 to 4 crew, lots of gear and a serious beating. And when you get back home after your ocean crossing and long for the freedom on the water, the C23 is again at hand to take the family (and dog!) camping along the coast of your choice.
Get in touch for our combination plans for the C23 and O28 and we also have rental options available for both.
#whaleboatC23 #whaleboatO28 #oceanrowing #adventure #outdoor #sports #extremesports #ocean #challenge #endurance #rowing #training #sealegs #madeinbelgium #expedition #oceanlife #rowinglife #rowtripping #twac23 #twac24 #twac25
Thanks @thewaverowing for the feature about our C23 adventure rowboat!
Repost @withregram • @thewaverowing ‼️OUT NOW! Issue #10 of your FREE rowing e-Magazine‼️
The latest issue of your FREE not-for-profit rowing magazine; The WAVE, is now available at
Like & SHARE to help raise awareness of the sport of coastal rowing.
In this issue, we bring you news and features from Sliding-Seat, Fixed-Seat, and Ocean Rowing.
• The Jurassic Gig Rowing League
• Pioneering The Future: @harkersyardgigs
• @atlanticcampaigns Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2021 Results
• Featured Boat: @whaleboat_boatbuilding Whaleboat C23
• @worldrowingofficial Tour 2022
• @somerset_525
• Featured Club: @lowerthamesrowingclub
• and MORE!
Issue #11 is already well in development and will be released at the end of May, To send us your news, stories, and pictures; simply email
Enjoy this issue of The WAVE, and happy rowing!
#thewaverowing #coastalrowing #offshorerowing #free #magazine #oceanrowing #sea #coast #ocean #water #love #fitness #exercise #community #spirit #free #rowing #row #rower #boat #boats #rowingboat
Throwback to when I was rowing alone to Papua (2018) and realised how lucky I was to be there. I was suffering in the heat for 6 hours non stop rowing (50°C) and still had to do another 3 hours. I learnt over the years to enjoy the moment, even while suffering. Mainly by not taking it for granted that I`m there and standing still to look around and see the beauty around me.
#secutec7summits 4gold.official whaleboat_boatbuilding #adventure #climbing #7summits #whaleboatc23 #ocean #rowing #concept2 #waves #boat #water #surf #sand #outdoors #hiking #regatta #cardio #island #rowingispassion #fit #fitnessmotivation #rower #sculling #worldrowing
Meet our new model of the Whaleboat C23 open ocean rowboat, specifically developed to handle large waves and incoming surf. Minimalistically designed, without batteries nor bilgepumps. Just a flush deck and a bunch of holes in the sides make her perfectly self bailing, while traveling light (at just 70 kilos)
We recently tested her on the Atlantic, along the coast of South Portugal, rowing multiple day trips. She proved to be fast and reliable, easy to handle on a beach, while still providing the familiar C23 capacity to carry lots of gear, like tents, food, cameras and safety gear. We rowed, surfed that clean Atlantic swell, played in the waves, visited beaches that are only accessible from the sea.
This first edition we named Roz Savage, in line with our tradition to name our boats after famous ocean rowers.
@migueltiteca thank you for the epic shots!
With @stefanvanaudenhove and Gerhard ter Maat
#oceanrowing #whaleboatC23 #atlanticocean #ocean #coast #coastalrowing #portugal #visitportugal #algarve #visitalgarve #surf #surfing #surfrowing #rowing #professionalphotographer #photography #outdoor #boatbuilding #boatbuildingisanart #adventure #whaleboat #beach
Working on the ocean boat and first training for the big crossing!
Beautiful day out on the north sea an lots of fun with koendegezelle and Gus.
#vayamundo #secutec #adventure #whaleboato28 #whaleboatc23 #outdoors #ocean #sun #beach #sand #7summits #rowing #waves #sea #oceanview #surf #boatbuilding
Read about @jelleveyt and his human powered #7summits adventure this week in @knackweekend , one of Belgium’s leading lifestyle mags. Jelle chose a Whaleboat C23 rowing boat for the Indonesia leg of the challenge, to reach Carstensz Pyramid in Papua. We provided the ocean rowing experience and rowed with him in one of the most remote areas of the world. Now a long term friendship with many more adventures to come.
Mooi artikel in @knackweekend van @wimdenolf !! Zeer fijn interview met iemand die zijn research grondig doet en daardoor de interessante vragen stelt, merci voor het artikel! Lees het volledig online (link in bio) of koop het in de winkel.
Great article by knack (big Belgian magazine) about my life in adventure. Only in Dutch and French.
#vayamundo #secutec #adventure #cyclinglife #whaleboato28 #whaleboatc23 #rowing #island #beach #7summits #climbing #outdoors #rowing #surf #trekking #yoursecurityaboveeverything #proud #bikelife #sports #travel #tourism #touring - #regrann