And here they are, all three rowers finally united, and at the start line of their phenomenal journey! 

These three amazing people, bonded by their desire to redefine the limits of what we think of as possible will make their final checks and adjustments, before aiming their boat at the horizon and rowing away from shore. 

Koen and Gijs completed their journey towing the boat 2,300km from the Whaleboat workshop in Belgium to the southern tip of Portugal. And where did they sleep when they pulled over for a rest? In the boat of course! Casa del Whaleboat boasts stunning views (if you park it in the right place) and a whole host of luxuries on tap, plus when biblical level floods come, you’re safe and sounded tucked up in bed! 

You may think “wow that’s a serious journey!”, and it is, but it pales into insignificance when you look at how Jelle, the third crew member, got there…….

He cycled! 

Amazingly, Jelle left Belgium on the 3rd of January and cycled to Portimao in Portugal! This ridiculous journey is only a small portion of his own personal challenge, as Jelle is attempting to climb the highest mountain on every continent, but will get there by human power alone as part of his Secutec 7 summits challenge! This row will form part of that human powered journey all around the world. You can read all about that project over at 

For now though the team will catch up, share stories of their journey to Portugal, and prepare themselves for one extraordinary voyage. 

Main partner: Libeco Belgian Linen
Creative geniuses: Yanina and Felix from
Learn more about the Front Row ocean rowing project on
Learn more about the Front Row ocean rowing project on
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